Comments on Mike`s review of Woodford Reserve

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Comments on Mike`s review of Woodford Reserve

Unread postby forumadmin » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:02 pm

This is an automatically created topic for discussion about Mike's review of Woodford Reserve.
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Unread postby gillmang » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:02 pm

Good review Mike. A bottle numbered next in sequence to one I liked a lot (same batch number but a higher 4-digit bottle number by one) wasn't quite as good - while still nice overall. I suggest adding some Signature to a dram of WR, which simply increases the amount of column-still bourbon already in there, and you might get a balance you like more. True, the Signature will not have been aged at Versailles, but that cannot make much difference in my view.

If you detect a pine-like or solvent nose or taste in WR, that (in my view again) comes from the pot still element. I prefer WR when it minimizes that element. A friend who admired my preferred bottle (of the two I mentioned) joked and said, "Maybe they forgot to pour in the pot still whiskey". In fact you could taste it but it was in its "right" place - just an accent, not too heavy in the flavour. So when I get a bottle where that side is a little strong I "fix" it by adding Signature, and any of the Birthday whiskeys might do well too. Or say 2:1:1 WR to Signature to Birthday. If I had the elements ready to hand I know I could come up with the taste that would please me at least.

However I am finding more and more, recently, that WR unadorned is just fine - in general I find it improved over the WR of some years back, which I suspect is due to working with older stocks.

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Unread postby KettleOne » Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:13 pm

I agree. Wr is very ethanol-y to me when drunk neat. I get a harsh alcohol taste. some higher proof bourbons are smoother and tastier and cheaper.
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